National Park Service Tallgrass Prairie Rehabilitation Spring Hill Ranch House and Terrace Walls

Strong City, Kansas

Civil engineering services to stabilize both the ranch house and stone terrace walls of the historic Spring Hill Ranch House. The original siting of the ranch house unknowingly put the building at risk for the many water infiltration problems, and the site’s geology poses major concerns for the building’s long term preservation. Hundreds of lineal feet of dry laid limestone terraces and mortared limestone terraces are present and in various conditions (built in 1881). These terraces are critical to the story of the house's ranching history and contribute to the National Historic Landmark status. Civil effort included site reconnaissance, development of drainage alternatives, coordination with geotech relative to soils and subsurface flow, grading, ADA accessibility and development of construction documents.

National Park Service Tallgrass Prairie Rehabilitation Spring Hill Ranch House and Terrace Walls

Strong City, Kansas

Civil engineering services to stabilize both the ranch house and stone terrace walls of the historic Spring Hill Ranch House. The original siting of the ranch house unknowingly put the building at risk for the many water infiltration problems, and the site’s geology poses major concerns for the building’s long term preservation. Hundreds of lineal feet of dry laid limestone terraces and mortared limestone terraces are present and in various conditions (built in 1881). These terraces are critical to the story of the house's ranching history and contribute to the National Historic Landmark status. Civil effort included site reconnaissance, development of drainage alternatives, coordination with geotech relative to soils and subsurface flow, grading, ADA accessibility and development of construction documents.

Project Info

Owner: National Park Service
Designer: DHM Design
Completion: 2018
Construction Cost: $1.9M

